The poll was conducted by Ranker, a popular website that allows users to vote on various topics and create lists. The poll asked users to vote for animals that they believed closely resembled real-life Pokémon. Over 6,000 people participated in the poll, and the results were quite interesting.
The animal that received the most votes was the Axolotl, which many people thought resembled the Water-type Pokémon Mudkip. Axolotls are a type of salamander native to Mexico, and they are known for their distinctive external gills and cute appearance.

The second animal on the list was the Fennec Fox, which many people thought resembled the Electric-type Pokémon Pikachu. Fennec Foxes are small desert foxes that live in the Sahara Desert and have large ears, which help them regulate their body temperature.
Other animals that received votes included the Pangolin, which many people thought resembled the Ground-type Pokémon Sandshrew; the Sloth, which some people thought resembled the Normal-type Pokémon Slakoth; and the Kiwi, which some people thought resembled the Flying-type Pokémon Pidgey.
Overall, the poll was a fun way for fans to connect real-world animals with their favorite Pokémon. It’s always interesting to see how our perceptions of animals can be influenced by popular culture, and it’s clear that Pokémon has had a significant impact on the way people view the animal kingdom.
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