Bardock, the father of Goku, is a character in the Dragon Ball franchise that has gained much respect and admiration from fans despite his limited screen time. He played a critical role in the story that led to the downfall of Frieza, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Space. With the release of Dragon Ball Super, Bardock’s story has undergone significant changes, which have had a massive impact on the Dragon Ball lore.
In the original premise, Bardock was introduced as a capable member of Frieza’s Saiyan forces, leading his battalion on successful missions to decimate planets for sale on Frieza’s planetary market. Despite being a low-class warrior, Bardock was a diligent subordinate, leading his colleagues, Toma, Fasha, Shugesh, and Borgos, into combat on several occasions. However, he eventually realizes that Frieza plans to annihilate the Saiyan race. After a successful raid on planet Kanassa, Bardock is caught off-guard by a weakened survivor who grants him his people’s signature ability: precognitive foresight.
The Kanassan does this believing that Bardock’s abilities will eventually serve as vengeance for the crimes he and his troops will commit as members of Frieza’s army. While recovering on their way home, Bardock sees visions of Frieza’s destruction of Planet Vegeta and the salvation of Earth due to Goku’s efforts. However, he dismisses them as delusions. Later, while still recovering, Frieza sends Bardock’s troops to eliminate the defenses of Planet Meat. But after their successful invasion, Bardock’s colleagues are ambushed by Dodoria, one of Frieza’s most ferocious subordinates.
Despite not being fully recovered, Bardock makes his way to Planet Meat after hearing about their whereabouts, arriving to find that only Toma is still alive, but in critical condition. Toma tells Bardock about what happened, as well as Frieza’s plan to exterminate the Saiyans. Bardock vows to avenge his friends as Toma dies in his arms and takes his blood-soaked armband, which becomes Bardock’s trademark red headband. Bardock is also ambushed by Dodoria’s squadron, but he manages to get the upper hand before Dodoria nearly kills him. Left for dead, Bardock realizes that his visions are not delusions but rather precognitions. Heavily injured, Bardock heads back to Planet Vegeta to inform the other Saiyans, but they do not believe him. Bardock then heads to Frieza’s spaceship, where he fights through legions of Frieza’s forces while calling out the space tyrant. But with a single finger and a flick of the wrist, Frieza obliterates everything in the wake of his Supernova attack. As Bardock is vaporized, he sees one last vision: his youngest son, Kakarot, defeating Frieza on Namek, which leaves him smiling in the face of his demise.

In the new storyline, Dragon Ball Super: The Broly Movie introduced the reprised Bardock story, which was required to make Broly’s (and his survival) canonical. Bardock and his colleague, Leek, are shown in the midst of battle on an unknown planet when they receive orders via their scouters for all Saiyans to return to Planet Vegeta. Upon his return, Bardock sees Frieza’s spaceship hovering above the planet and deduces that something is afoot. He goes home to Gine, who tells him that Kakarot will be due to come out of his incubator soon because it had been about three years.
Bardock then decides to take matters into his own hands and sets out to confront Frieza. He tells his crew to stay behind and try to gather more information while he heads to Frieza’s ship alone. Bardock manages to infiltrate the ship and overhears Frieza discussing his plan to destroy the entire Saiyan race, including Planet Vegeta.

Bardock confronts Frieza and engages him in battle, but ultimately fails to defeat him. Frieza delivers a fatal blow to Bardock and destroys Planet Vegeta, wiping out nearly the entire Saiyan race. However, before his death, Bardock sends a powerful energy blast towards Frieza’s ship, which creates a massive explosion that engulfs the planet.
Unbeknownst to Frieza, Bardock’s attack causes a young Saiyan baby named Broly to be launched into space, along with his father, Paragus. Broly’s incredible power level makes him a prime target for Frieza, who seeks to use him as a weapon against his enemies.
The rest of the movie follows Goku, Vegeta, and their friends as they encounter Broly and battle him on Earth. Eventually, they learn about his tragic backstory and decide to help him, ultimately defeating his power-crazed father and befriending Broly.

The Bardock storyline added a layer of tragedy to the already complex Dragon Ball lore, and Broly’s introduction as a canon character has opened up new possibilities for future stories. Overall, Dragon Ball Super: The Broly Movie was a thrilling addition to the franchise, and fans are excited to see what’s next for Goku and his friends.
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Bardock,Red Ribbon Army,Namekians,Kami,Videl