Black Clover has managed to become one of the best shonen series currently being published by taking some of the best aspects of the Big Three and carving out its own unique path. Over the past few years, many new anime series have premiered that remind fans of older shows they love. Whether it’s My Hero Academia reminding fans of Naruto or Jujutsu Kaisen reminding fans of Bleach, it seems hard for these new series to escape the shadows of their predecessors, specifically those of the Big Three. Interestingly, Black Clover may have managed to do so by wholeheartedly embracing the qualities of Bleach, Naruto and One Piece — but instead of relying on them, it has used them to push forward and carve out its own path.
First premiering at the beginning of 2015, Black Clover has managed to become more successful than many of its contemporaries, even managing to rival the likes of My Hero Academia. Even when its anime adaptation went on hiatus, it managed to stay relevant thanks to the quality of the manga, which incorporates many aspects found in the Big Three. However, “copycat” series rarely do well, and even when they do, it’s temporary. So how did Black Clover manage to find such success?

One of the ways that Black Clover has differentiated itself from its predecessors is by taking the best aspects of each of the Big Three and using them in unique and interesting ways. For example, Naruto fans will immediately notice the similarities between Asta and Yuno’s rivalry and that of Naruto and Sasuke. However, to Black Clover’s credit, those similarities were never complete rip-offs thanks to the series taking them in completely different directions. The rivalry between Asta and Yuno was always very friendly and wholesome, without ever developing into something toxic the way Naruto and Sasuke’s did. They cared for one another and would never try to hurt, let alone kill, each other the way that Naruto and Sasuke did. They build up and inspire one another rather than tear each other down out of jealousy or resentment.
The element that is arguably the most like Naruto is how Asta’s powers work. His Anti-Magic comes from a devil named Liebe that lives in his grimoire — one which, for much of the story, acted as something of an antagonist in the same way that Kurama did to Naruto until they befriended one another. In fact, Asta even needed the help of another mentor devil-user the same way Naruto needed Killer B. While the powers of Asta’s devil and Kurama are fundamentally different, the way they manifest as an aura and armor around their respective hosts is undoubtedly similar.

In the case of Bleach, Black Clover arguably didn’t “borrow” much. While it incorporated the elements of swords, powers and evil masterminds, it didn’t use those elements in any egregious ways. Asta’s power comes from a devil with the power of Anti-Magic, much like how Ichigo’s Shinigami powers come from his inner Hollow. Just as his inner Hollow bonds with Ichigo’s Zanpakuto, Asta’s devil bonds with each of the swords he acquires, with each being a unique extension of its power. The black Anti-Magic energy and form also are very reminiscent of Ichigo’s black energy when using his Bankai. While Liebe’s overall relationship and dynamic is closer to the one Naruto has with Kurama, it wouldn’t be fair to say that it doesn’t also resemble the one Ichigo has with his inner Hollow.
However, the most direct inspiration comes from how the main villains all seem to be Aizen-level masterminds, with Lucius Zogratis being the clearest and best example of this. Just like Aizen, Lucius Zogratis is a calm, calculated and manipulative individual, who schemes in the shadows to achieve his goals. He is always one step ahead of his opponents and can read their moves before they even make them. His ability to control and manipulate people is also similar to Aizen’s, as he can use his words to bend the will of his targets to his own advantage.

Another character who shares similarities with Aizen is Dante Zogratis, the eldest brother of the Zogratis family. Dante is a powerful and ruthless villain, who possesses immense magical power and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His arrogant and confident demeanor also reminds me of Aizen, who always believed that he was superior to everyone else.
Apart from the villains, there are also other similarities between Black Clover and Bleach, such as the use of magical powers and the existence of different factions with their own agendas. The Black Bulls, for example, can be compared to the Soul Society, as both groups are tasked with protecting their respective worlds from external threats.
Overall, while there are many similarities between Black Clover and Bleach, I believe that the former is still able to stand on its own as a unique and enjoyable series. It has its own cast of interesting and likable characters, a compelling storyline, and a distinct setting and world-building. Whether or not it will surpass Bleach in popularity and influence remains to be seen, but I believe that it has the potential to do so.
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