The Dragon Ball Super manga pleasantly surprises fans by bringing back the beloved character Broly in a new scene not seen in the Super Hero movie.
In the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super, fans are treated to the return of Broly, one of the franchise’s most popular characters. While the manga faithfully adapts the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie’s current arc, it also includes additional scenes. In one of these scenes, Goku and Broly are shown training together on Beerus’ planet.
Chapter #92 of Dragon Ball Super primarily focuses on Piccolo’s discovery of the Red Ribbon Army’s return. Upon realizing that the new Gamma androids possess power on par with Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, Piccolo seeks help from his Saiyan comrades who have been training on Beerus’ planet. Their goal is to prepare for an impending battle against the formidable Frieza Black. However, Angel Whis misses Bulma’s call as he is occupied observing a sparring match between Goku and Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan.
This version of Broly made his debut in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie, finally bringing the immensely popular character from the original Dragon Ball Z movies into canon. Broly is the last remaining Legendary Super Saiyan, a rare breed of Saiyans who appear every thousand years and possess incredible power. Initially manipulated by his father Paragus and Frieza to fight Goku and Vegeta, Broly eventually reconciles with the two Saiyans. Goku even offers to teach him how to control his untamed power. Legendary Super Saiyans are known for succumbing to blind rage during battles, transforming into unstoppable berserkers.

In the Super Hero movie, Broly’s appearance is brief, and his sparring match with Goku is cut short when he loses control of his power. To demonstrate to Broly how to train without causing destruction, Goku and Vegeta engage in a sparring match instead. This controversial scene in the movie depicts Vegeta triumphing over Goku. However, the Dragon Ball Super manga diverges from the movie and provides more details about Goku and Broly’s training. It tantalizingly hints at a full-fledged sparring match in the next chapter. This additional sequence was not present in the movie and will undoubtedly please fans who eagerly anticipate Broly playing a significant role in the future of the story.
Broly has always been immensely popular in the fandom, even in his previous non-canon iteration. His distinguishing characteristic is his innate power surpassing that of the series’ strongest characters, Goku and Vegeta. In the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie, Goku and Vegeta were forced to fuse into Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta to defeat Broly when he reached his Full Power Legendary Super Saiyan form. It is gratifying to catch up with Broly and witness his progress in training. The inclusion of this scene demonstrates that the Dragon Ball Super manga still holds surprises for fans, even those who have already watched the Super Hero movie.
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