Dragon Ball FighterZ has become a game-changer in the world of fighting games and anime games alike. The game boasts of tight 2D fighting mechanics that have made it a popular choice among gamers. Moreover, its incorporation of the popular Shonen anime franchise has made it a landmark title in the anime fighting game genre. However, what has really kept the game relevant is its constant support and expansion of its roster, allowing players to unlock new characters and add them to the game.
If you are familiar with how to unlock characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ, you can add a vast number of characters to the game, which is essential for developing as a player. The Dragon Ball franchise has an extensive cast of characters, and to play as all of them, you need to complete some requirements and jump through a few hoops to unlock the entire FighterZ roster.

If you’re wondering how to unlock characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ, it isn’t immediately explained to you. The starting roster of FighterZ is nowhere near as large as what seasoned players have access to. Between DLCs and other unlocks, it can be a bit complicated. When it comes to the base roster, there are a few fighters that you need to play specific content to get access to.
For instance, if you want to unlock Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue, you need to play the Arcade mode of the game and beat the Gravity Spaceship Course by hitting an A rank when playing on hard difficulty. You can also purchase him for 300,000 zeni if you don’t want to grind arcade.
If you want to unlock Goku Super Saiyan Blue, or Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, as it is more properly called, you’ll need to head to arcade mode and get an A rank on hard mode for the Hyperbolic Time Chamber course. There’s also an option of shelling out 500,000 zemi for this character if you don’t want to go through the trouble of unlocking it.

Android 21 is another character on the base roster that you need to unlock by playing through the entire story mode of the game. Android 21 is the primary antagonist for the game’s story, so it’s fitting that unlocking her requires playing through the entire storyline. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cash alternative here, so you’ll need to put in the work to get this character.
If you’re wondering how to unlock characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ before you buy, there are no unlock conditions for the starting roster. They’re all available from the launch of the game. However, for the DLC characters, you’ll need to pay to unlock them. These characters include Bardock, Broly, Goku, Vegito (SSJ Blue), Zamatsu (Fused), Vegeta, Android 17, Cooler, Jiren, Videl, Kid Goku, Janemba, Gogeta (SSJ Blue), Broly (DBS), Kefla, Goku (UI), Master Roshi, Super Baby 2, Gogeta (SSJ4), and Android 21 (Lab Coat).

In conclusion, knowing how to unlock characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ is essential if you want to enjoy all that the game has to offer. With the extensive cast of characters available in the Dragon Ball franchise, it’s no surprise that players want to unlock all of them. Whether you’re grinding through arcade mode or playing through the story mode, there are different ways to unlock characters in the game. It may take some effort and time, but unlocking all the characters is worth it in the end.
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Android 16,Android 17, Krillin, Android 18,Android 19