In the world of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the Red Ribbon Army makes a return along with some new and wild transformations. Gohan and Piccolo both received new forms known as Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo, respectively, giving them the power boost they needed to defeat the Red Ribbon Army, Gamma siblings, and Cell Max. One fan artist has now imagined what Gohan’s mother, Chi-Chi, might look like if she were to achieve a similar transformation and enter her own “Beast Mode”.
The scene where Gohan’s transformation was unveiled was reminiscent of the moment when Goku’s son reached Super Saiyan 2, letting his anger boil over and transforming into the Beast form. Although Gohan’s new form hasn’t been explored much yet, the manga is currently retelling the story of the latest Dragon Ball film, providing new details to the story. Perhaps, in the future of the franchise, we will learn more about the new transformation and whether it is unique to Gohan or if other Saiyans can achieve it as well.
Unfortunately, despite everyone in her family having the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, Chi-Chi has fallen behind in power in comparison to her male counterparts. However, one fan artist has envisioned what Chi-Chi would look like with her son’s ultimate transformation so far. With the human Z-Fighters gaining more prominence in Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power and Moro Arcs, it’s possible that they will eventually receive their own unique transformation, giving them the power boost they need to keep up with their Saiyan allies.
What are your thoughts on Chi-Chi’s Beast form? Do you think the human Z-Fighters will eventually receive their own unique transformation? Share your thoughts in the comments or reach out to the author directly on Twitter.
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