The latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super has settled a long-standing debate among fans, confirming that the Androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2, the new foes of the current arc, are on par with Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue state. This confirmation comes after the androids appeared in the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, which the manga is currently adapting. Fans had been debating the actual power level of the androids, but Piccolo’s words in chapter #92 of Dragon Ball Super have put the debate to rest.
Piccolo is the first of the Z Warriors to meet one of the new androids created by Dr. Hedo, the grandson of Dr. Gero, who created the original androids and Cell. Hedo’s genius surpasses that of his grandfather, so his androids are on a whole other level. Piccolo has a brief battle with Gamma 2 and, after ascertaining his foe’s incredible power, he opts for a strategic retreat in order to gather more information. While talking with Karin, Piccolo says that, based on his battle, he believes that the two androids are on par with Goku and Vegeta themselves.
However, when this scene played out in the movie, it sparked a huge debate among fans, with some discrediting Piccolo’s words and not believing that he is actually able to perceive Goku and Vegeta’s true power in their Super Saiyan Blue forms. This is based on a previous moment during the Moro Arc (in Dragon Ball Super chapter #58), in which Piccolo says that he is unable to sense Goku’s Ki. However, in that specific moment, Goku was actually using his Ultra Instinct Sign, a superior state to Blue, as confirmed later by Moro. In the same chapter, Piccolo clearly states that Goku, who is in his Blue form at that moment, is stronger than the previous time he saw him using Super Saiyan Blue, meaning he can indeed sense his Ki.
The explanation for this inconsistency could be that Piccolo is able to perceive the power of the “God Ki” forms, such as Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, and their variants, but not that of Ultra Instinct and likely Ultra Ego too, which are superior techniques usually reserved for Angels and Gods of Destruction. As a result, after Piccolo’s battle with Gamma 2, he’s reliably able to compare the androids with Goku and Vegeta’s power in Super Saiyan Blue form. This means that these new foes are incredibly strong, making them worthy villains for the current arc, considering that Goku and Vegeta are not on Earth and the duty of defeating the androids falls on Piccolo and Gohan’s shoulders.
In conclusion, the power level of Android Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 is significant because it establishes them as credible villains for this arc, which is the first to not feature Goku and Vegeta. If Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 are really Super Saiyan Blue-level, then it means that, when Piccolo and Gohan defeat them, they can finally be considered as powerful as Goku and Vegeta are, if not even stronger. These debates among Dragon Ball fans may seem trivial to outsiders, but they are an essential part of the community and the franchise’s history.
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