Dragon Ball is a franchise with multiple eras separated by significant stretches of time, and each era contains fully formed stories, characters, and power levels. Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT are sequels to Dragon Ball Z, and because of this, it’s inevitable that there will be some plot holes in the continuity of the story. One such glaring plot hole involves Androids 17 and 18 that was created in Dragon Ball Super, and it has significant consequences for Dragon Ball GT.
When Dragon Ball Z ended, the series took a major time-jump into the future of ten years and ended with the potential for a sequel, but without the requirement for one. Nonetheless, there are two sequels: Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Super picks up immediately after the defeat of Majin Buu, effectively filling in the ten-year gap between Kid Buu’s death and the end of DBZ. Dragon Ball GT, on the other hand, takes place five years after DBZ’s ten-year time jump, which means that Dragon Ball Super should feed directly into Dragon Ball GT. While this makes sense, there are some who argue that there is no way Super could become GT.
Both Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT are sequels to Dragon Ball Z, meaning anything that happened within that time frame is canon to both GT and Super. This is where the plot hole is located. In Dragon Ball GT episode 47, Android 17, who has been upgraded to Super 17, is on the verge of killing Goku and conquering the planet when his sister, Android 18, shows up to lend Goku her assistance. Back in DBZ, Krillin summoned Shenron through the Dragon Balls and wished for the bombs to be removed from both 17 and 18, giving them a chance for a normal life without the constant threat of termination. However, only 18 was aware of that information, which is how she was able to get the better of Super 17 in GT.
In Dragon Ball Super chapter 31, there is a flashback sequence that supposedly takes place during the events of DBZ immediately after Krillin made his wish. This sequence shows 18 telling 17 that their bombs were magically removed, before flying away and allowing him to live his life alone. This completely ruins Super 17’s defeat in Dragon Ball GT. It doesn’t even require Super to be canon to GT for it to be ruined, since Super retconned an event that happened in Dragon Ball Z, a series that is canon to GT apart from Super. This means that 17 should have known he and 18 didn’t have bombs inside them and could have gone all-out against her and potentially taken over the world.
The official timeline for Dragon Ball suggests that Dragon Ball Super does lead into GT, so this retcon ruins GT’s ‘Super 17 Saga’ no matter what. It even ruins it for those who say Super and GT are separate since Super’s change affects Z, which directly affects GT. As previously mentioned, plot holes are bound to happen in a series this expansive. This one just so happens to be a major one that impacts nearly every era of Dragon Ball, including Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT all at once. As the story continues to evolve, it’s possible that more plot holes will be discovered, and it will be interesting to see how the franchise addresses them.
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