Goku and Vegeta are often praised for their incredible strength and fighting prowess, but their intelligence is often overlooked by fans. While it’s true that their exhibitions of power can sometimes detract from their tactical abilities, the Saiyan warriors are actually quite clever in battle. One episode of Dragon Ball GT in particular showcases their quick thinking and problem-solving skills.
In episode 60 of Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta fuse into SSJ4 Gogeta to stop Omega Shenron, who has engulfed the world in negative energy using the dark magic of the Dragon Balls. During the battle, Omega Shenron creates a ball of concentrated negative energy called a Power Ball and throws it at Gogeta. But instead of simply overpowering the attack, Goku and Vegeta use their math skills to turn the negative energy into positive energy, effectively neutralizing it and saving the world.
This moment may seem trivial, but it speaks to the larger pattern of Goku and Vegeta’s strategic thinking in battle. Despite their overwhelming physical strength, they understand that defeating their opponents requires more than just brute force. They must also use their intellect and quick thinking to outmaneuver their foes and come out on top.
For example, when Goku fought Frieza on Planet Namek, he had to use his intelligence and resourcefulness to defeat the powerful tyrant. He analyzed Frieza’s fighting style and found weaknesses to exploit, ultimately outsmarting and overpowering his opponent. Similarly, when Goku and Vegeta faced Zamasu in Dragon Ball Super, they used their quick thinking to bring in Grand Zeno, the most powerful being in the multiverse, to defeat their enemy.
These examples demonstrate that Goku and Vegeta’s intelligence is just as important as their physical strength in battle. They are expert combatants who can assess a situation quickly and react accordingly, using their minds just as much as their brawn. In this way, they prove that they are much smarter than many fans give them credit for.
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