The recent chapters of the popular manga series Jujutsu Kaisen have received criticism for their handling of female characters. Chapter 219 in particular has been called out for exacerbating the problem by killing off yet another prominent female character. In the most recent arc, the antagonist Sukuna takes control of Megumi’s body and breaks his spirit by killing his sister, Tsumiki. The twist is that Tsumiki was possessed by Yorozu, an ancient sorcerer who was supposed to be a powerful fighter due to her status as one of Sukuna’s peers. However, Yorozu’s obsessive love for Sukuna led to a fight between them, which ultimately led to her demise.
While the storyline may have been a logical direction for the story to go, it highlights a larger issue with Jujutsu Kaisen’s handling of female characters. This is not the first time the series has been criticized for killing off female characters or underutilizing them. For example, Yuki was built up as a powerful sorcerer for years, only to die in a largely one-sided fight against Kenjaku. Mei Mei, Uro, and Hana are other female characters who are barely involved in the story before being quickly written out after a single fight.
Even the female lead, Nobara Kugisaki, has been poorly treated in the series. While she has a well-defined personality and chemistry with the rest of the cast, she has never won a fight on her own. Every victory she has had has been because someone helped her. Additionally, the series has not revealed whether she is dead or alive after the Shibuya Incident arc, which is frustrating for fans who are invested in her character.
Tsumiki’s death in chapter 219 is problematic for several reasons. First, it continues the trend of the series wasting its female characters. Second, it is a waste of Tsumiki’s potential as a character who largely existed to further Megumi’s character arc with no agency of her own. This also cheapens the impact she was supposed to have on him. Finally, it invalidates a lot of Megumi’s actions in the series, making it unclear what his motivations are moving forward.
While it is possible that the author did not intend for these problems to exist, they are still present and need to be addressed. The Jujutsu Kaisen manga should take steps to better develop and utilize its female characters before it comes to an end.
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Mai Zen’in,Rika Orimoto,Momo Nishimiya,Atsuya Kusakabe,Akari Nitta,