No English voice acting in the upcoming Fairy Tail game

Fairy Tail game will only have Japanese voice actors with English subtitles, meaning that English speakers will have to rely on reading the text in order to understand the dialogue. The game’s producer, Keisuke Kikuchi, revealed in an interview with Nintendo Everything that the Japanese voice actors from the show will be reprising their roles in the game, but there won’t be any English voice acting. This may not come as a surprise to fans of anime games, as it has become increasingly common for Japanese games to leave out English voice acting altogether.

The article notes that the debate of dubs vs subs is a hotly contested topic among anime fans. Some fans believe that preserving the original Japanese voice acting and providing translations is the best way to enjoy anime, while others prefer to have English voice acting to avoid the extra effort required to read subtitles. Regardless of which side of the debate one falls on, it seems that the upcoming Fairy Tail game won’t offer the option of English voice acting.

It’s worth noting that many anime games choose to stick with Japanese voice acting, even if the show has an English dub. The Yakuza series is a prime example, as the first entry had infamously bad English voice acting, despite the contribution of Mark Hamill. All future entries that made it outside of Japan chose to stick with Japanese voice acting and English subtitles instead.

In conclusion, while the lack of English voice acting in the upcoming Fairy Tail game may be disappointing for some English-speaking fans, it’s not an uncommon practice in Japanese games. The debate of dubs vs subs is a matter of personal preference, and ultimately, it’s up to each individual player to decide which option they prefer.

We bring out some of the most well-known Fairy Tail Collection, all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Fairy Tail Collection

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