Recently, Ken Sugimori’s original artwork for the Pokemon from the Kanto and Johto regions has been uncovered through newly improved scans. These authentic rescans provide a clearer and more accurate depiction of the iconic Pokemon, allowing fans to see the original vision for these beloved creatures. It turns out that the artwork that most fans are familiar with, which has been seen in game manuals, boxes, and other sources, was not representative of the original work created by Sugimori. Instead, the poor-quality scans that were previously used had distorted colors, misshapen designs, and were generally low in quality.
Fortunately, the rescans of the artwork were carried out by a software developer known as ExcaliburZero. This improved scanning process has finally revealed the true beauty and intricacies of Sugimori’s artwork. As Pokemon archivist Lewtwo explains on Twitter, the old scans did not do justice to the original designs, leading to inaccuracies and incorrect coloring. These new scans of the artwork allow fans to see the true vision that Sugimori had for the Kanto and Johto region Pokemon.
The archivists at Lewtwo are planning to upload each image individually so that online Pokemon encyclopedias, such as Bulbapedia, can update their images with the new and improved artwork. This means that fans will finally be able to see the original vision for these beloved Pokemon creatures. Despite the new scans, however, the old images will still be preserved and accessible for those who wish to see the earlier versions.
It’s interesting to note that the poor-quality scans of the artwork were a result of outdated scanning technology during the Game Boy era. With the evolution of technology over the years, newer and improved scanning techniques have become available, allowing for a more accurate depiction of the original artwork. It’s fascinating to see how technological advancements have impacted the preservation and presentation of artwork over time.
Overall, the new rescans of Ken Sugimori’s original Pokemon artwork are a welcome addition for fans of the series, allowing them to finally see the true vision for these beloved creatures from the Kanto and Johto regions.
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