In a recent report, it was indicated that Pokemon Go’s earnings for April had plummeted considerably from the previous month, marking the game’s worst month in over five years. The negative news about the game’s earnings was met with a statement from Niantic, the developer of Pokemon Go. In the statement, the company addressed the report, denying that the estimates were accurate and that the overall revenue was actually up over the previous year. While the company did not deny that April had seen a decrease in revenue from previous months, it stated that monthly numbers were not a concern and that they were focused on the game’s long-term growth.
Niantic said, “We don’t focus on month to month trends because they fluctuate based on major live events. This year’s changes have already increased in-person Raiding and we’re excited to introduce exciting new features over the coming months.”
Many industry analysts and fans attributed the drop in revenue to the recent changes made to Pokemon Go’s Remote Raids. These changes have caused widespread frustration among the game’s community, as they have made it much more difficult for players to enjoy certain aspects of the game. In the past, Niantic has reversed controversial changes, such as when it increased the distance required to spin PokeStops. However, it seems that this time, Niantic is standing firm on its position, as its comment about in-person Raids increasing suggests.
Despite the negative news, Pokemon Go is still moving forward with its major live event, Pokemon Go Fest, scheduled for this summer. Tickets for the global event are now on sale for $14.99, and the game will be offering one of the rarest mythical Pokemon as an incentive to attract more players. It remains to be seen whether this will bring a significant boost to the game’s revenue and attract back frustrated players. Regardless, Niantic is still facing a lot of unhappy players at the moment who are feeling discouraged and annoyed by the recent changes to the game.
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