The distribution of Mystery Gifts in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and how they could be improved with the inclusion of a specific reward. Mystery Gifts have been a popular feature in the Pokemon series for many years, allowing players to claim various items and special Pokemon via codes distributed through online and local communication. While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been releasing Mystery Gifts regularly since their launch, they have been somewhat lackluster in terms of the impact they have on gameplay.
The article suggests that the inclusion of the rare Herba Mystica in Mystery Gift distributions could be a game-changer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Herba Mystica is a key ingredient for shiny hunting in the post-game, as it can be used to create sandwiches that boost the odds of encountering shiny Pokemon and certain types of Pokemon. Obtaining Herba Mystica can be a challenge, as it can only be acquired by completing 5, 6, and 7-Star Tera Raids, and even then, there is only a chance for it to drop.
Distributing Herba Mystica via Mystery Gift codes would make shiny hunting much more accessible for players, especially those who may have put the game down for a while prior to the release of the DLC. With the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC set to release later this year, distributing Herba Mystica via Mystery Gift would be a welcome surprise for players, and it could also help to build hype for the upcoming expansion.

The article notes that while some of the Mystery Gifts distributed in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have been noteworthy, such as special Pokemon to commemorate VGC events or for early adopters of the game, they have not had the same game-changing impact as past Mystery Gifts. Herba Mystica would be a highly sought-after item among players, as it would make shiny hunting much easier, and it would give players a reason to check out the other Mystery Gift offerings.
Overall, the article suggests that distributing Herba Mystica via Mystery Gift codes would be a great way for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to improve their Mystery Gift distribution and bring players back to the game before the release of the DLC. With the downtime leading up to the expansion, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has a great tool in Mystery Gifts to keep players engaged and excited about the game.
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