The anime series Tokyo Revengers will return for a third season, which will cover the “Tenjiku” arc. In this new story arc, the Tenjiku gang, led by the quiet yet cruel Izana Kurokawa, will pose a formidable challenge for the protagonist Takemichi and his allies. The announcement was made just before the conclusion of season 2 on April 2, and a teaser visual was released featuring Izana in his red overcoat standing on a rooftop. The “Tenjiku” arc will also feature appearances by Kisaki and Mikey.
Produced by Liden Films, Tokyo Revengers’ second season covered the “Christmas Showdown” arc, which focused on other members of the Toman gang. The anime series has faced some censorship issues, particularly regarding the use of the manji symbol on the Toman uniforms. The symbol, which is associated with divinity and spirituality in Buddhism, has been censored in the Western broadcast to prevent confusion with the Nazi symbol.
The first season of Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old unemployed man who discovers that his ex-girlfriend Hinata and her younger brother Naoto have been killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. After being pushed in front of a train, Takemichi travels 12 years back in time and resolves to change the future by saving Hinata and preventing the gang’s rise to power.
Tokyo Revengers is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui, which began serialization in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine in March 2017 and concluded in November 2022. The series won in the shōnen category at the 44th Kodansha Manga Awards and has sold over 70 million copies as of December 2022. The anime adaptation of Tokyo Revengers is available for streaming on various platforms, including Disney+, Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation.
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