“Darling in the Franxx” is a 24-episode anime that follows a group of children as they fight against monstrous creatures called klaxosaurs in giant robots called Franxx. The story is set in a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink of extinction and the remaining population lives in mobile domes under the leadership of a mysterious figure known as Papa and a collective of ruling adults called APE.
To protect the adults and their home, children are conscripted to pilot Franxx in boy-girl pairings. The pilots rip out the core of klaxosaurs, which is similar to their heart, in an odd sex-like position. Hiro, the protagonist, is mostly incompatible with his assigned partner and does not excel at piloting his Franxx. He meets the infamous pink-haired, red-horned pilot Zero Two, who saps the life of her previous male co-pilots. Despite this, Hiro jumps into the pilot’s seat when a fight rages too close to home, kisses Zero Two, blacks out, and wakes up as her co-pilot.
Throughout the series, the plot undergoes a metamorphosis from a teen melodrama with mecha to a galactic-scale conflict. This transition is not very smooth, and by the finale, “Darling in the Franxx” feels like a beautifully animated series that never quite sticks the landing. The mecha fights are gorgeous, especially early on, with each member of squad 13, the focus of the show, having their own design and fighting style. The animation keeps fight scenes exciting, but the series is ultimately about the relationships between the pilots.
Hiro’s squad is unique among the many child soldier pilots out there. Most other pilots are emotionless, piloting the same basic model of Franxx, but squad 13 controls bespoke mecha designs. The main characters, unlike other pilots, are also emotional and full of drama, each with their own set of challenges and personal struggles. The real breakout star is Zero Two, who is as much a protagonist as Hiro, and her character arc is one of the show’s best parts. She starts out strong, aggressive, and determined to be with her “darling” (Hiro) and destroy klaxosaurs. But as the story goes on, the tension she brings to squad 13 and the reasons behind her appearance, attitude, and feelings for Hiro produce some of the best parts of the show.
“Darling in the Franxx” is about the stumbling, aggressive onslaught of puberty and adolescence, where children are forced to determine their destinies rather than have them preordained by others. They struggle with jealousy, envy, and how to define an identity they don’t fully understand. One of the show’s better, sadly underdeveloped side plots features Ikuno, a girl who finds herself drawn to pilot with other girls instead of boys. Franxx pilots are divvied up into pistils (traditionally girls) and stamens (traditionally boys), but Ikuno wants to pilot with Ichigo, a fellow pistil. It’s revealed over the course of the series how little these children have been taught about the world as we know it, much less the birds and the bees, so she has no context or understanding of why she feels different from the other pistils and has to forge her own path. Ikuno’s journey over the course of the series to learn to be confident in her identity is enjoyable—for a brief moment before it’s shuffled to the periphery.
The series sets up interesting dynamics and conflicts, dangling big bads like Papa’s elite pilot force and a mysterious klaxosaur princess (who is, of course, centuries-old in lore but mere years-old
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