Tokyo Ghoul is a horror anime that is based on the manga series of the same name by Sui Ishida. The story follows a teenager named Ken Kaneki, who is attacked by a ghoul while on a date. Ghouls are creatures that feed on human flesh, and after the attack, Ken is transformed into a half-human, half-ghoul hybrid. The first season of the anime premiered in 2014 and was well-received by audiences due to its likable characters, gory action scenes, and well-paced storytelling. However, the second season, Tokyo Ghoul √A, received a lot of backlash from fans.
The second season deviated significantly from the source material, and the changes were approved by the author, Sui Ishida. The season also ended on a tragic note, which was not well-received by viewers. In response to the backlash, the third season of Tokyo Ghoul, called Tokyo Ghoul:re, was a soft reboot of the series. It was based on the sequel manga and followed a character named Haise Sasaki, who was half-ghoul and worked for the Commission of Counter Ghoul (CCG). Sasaki and his team were tasked with hunting down and killing ghouls, but it was revealed that Sasaki was, in fact, Ken Kaneki himself.
The reason why Tokyo Ghoul:re was a soft reboot was that the second season’s departure from the source material was not well-received. Therefore, it made sense for the anime to start fresh with a new storyline. However, the third season did not explain the changes to the viewers, which led to confusion among anime-only fans. Additionally, the sequel itself received mixed reviews, with complaints about the lackluster animation and rushed pacing.
Despite the mixed reception, Tokyo Ghoul remains a popular horror anime series that has amassed a loyal following over the years. The success of the show can be attributed to its unique storyline, well-developed characters, and thrilling action sequences. While the soft reboot may not have been the best decision for the series, it was an attempt to please fans and keep the franchise alive.
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