10 of the most memorable moments of Zero Two in Darling in the Franxx:
- “I’ll be your wings.” – Zero Two says this to Hiro as they fly together for the first time.
- Zero Two’s introduction – The moment when Zero Two makes her entrance in episode 1, as a mysterious and otherworldly character.
- The hospital scene – In episode 6, Zero Two finally opens up to Hiro about her past, leading to a heartfelt and emotional scene.
- The kiss – Zero Two’s kiss with Hiro in episode 15, which is a significant turning point in their relationship.
- The fight against the klaxosaur princess – Zero Two’s epic battle against the klaxosaur princess in episode 19, which shows off her incredible fighting skills.
- The hospital reunion – In episode 21, Zero Two and Hiro are finally reunited after being separated for so long.
- The beach scene – In episode 22, Zero Two and Hiro spend a romantic day at the beach, which is a sweet and memorable moment.
- The final battle – Zero Two’s sacrifice in the final battle to save humanity, which is a heartbreaking but heroic moment.
- The reunion with Hiro – In the final episode, Zero Two and Hiro are reunited once again, which is a satisfying and emotional moment for fans.
- “I love you, Hiro.” – Zero Two’s confession of love to Hiro in the final episode, which is a touching and heartwarming way to end the series.
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