The RarelyUsed (RU) tier is an interesting tier in the world of competitive Pokemon battling. It’s a tier that’s not as popular as the OverUsed (OU) or UnderUsed (UU) tiers, but still has a dedicated player base. The RU tier consists of Pokemon that are not commonly used in competitive play, but are still viable in certain situations.
If you’re looking to climb the ranks in the RU tier, you’ll want to have a strong team that can counter common threats and take advantage of weaknesses in your opponents’ teams. Fortunately, there are several Pokemon that are particularly well-suited to the RU tier. Here are 10 of the best Pokemon for the RU tier:
- Haxorus: This powerful Dragon-type Pokemon is one of the best choices for the RU tier. With high Attack and Speed stats, Haxorus can deal massive damage to opponents and outspeed many of them. It also has access to several strong moves, including Dragon Dance, which can increase its Attack and Speed even further.
- Scrafty: This Dark/Fighting-type Pokemon is a great choice for the RU tier thanks to its excellent defensive stats and access to Intimidate. With Intimidate, Scrafty can lower opponents’ Attack stats and make them less of a threat. It’s also capable of dealing decent damage with moves like Drain Punch and Knock Off.
- Azelf: This Psychic-type Pokemon has a high Speed stat and access to several powerful moves, including Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, and Thunderbolt. It can also set up Stealth Rock, which can damage opponents switching in.
- Rotom-Mow: This Electric/Grass-type Pokemon is a versatile choice for the RU tier. It has access to several powerful moves, including Leaf Storm, Thunderbolt, and Volt Switch. It can also set up Light Screen and Reflect to boost its team’s defenses.
- Froslass: This Ghost/Ice-type Pokemon is a great choice for the RU tier thanks to its high Speed stat and access to several strong moves, including Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, and Destiny Bond. It can also set up Spikes to damage opponents switching in.
- Cobalion: This Steel/Fighting-type Pokemon has a great defensive typing and access to several powerful moves, including Close Combat and Iron Head. It can also set up Stealth Rock and resist common types like Normal and Flying.
- Tangrowth: This Grass-type Pokemon has excellent defensive stats and access to moves like Sleep Powder, Knock Off, and Giga Drain. It can also set up Leech Seed to drain opponents’ health.
- Entei: This Fire-type Pokemon has a high Attack stat and access to moves like Sacred Fire and Flare Blitz. It can also set up Stealth Rock and resist common types like Steel and Ice.
- Sharpedo: This Water/Dark-type Pokemon is a great choice for the RU tier thanks to its high Speed stat and access to moves like Crunch and Waterfall. It can also set up Destiny Bond to take down opponents with it.
- Eelektross: This Electric-type Pokemon has no weaknesses thanks to its ability, Levitate. It also has a high Special Attack stat and access to moves like Thunderbolt and Flamethrower.
Overall, these 10 Pokemon are some of the best choices for the RU tier. Of course, there are many other Pokemon that can be viable in this tier, and the best team will depend on your playstyle and the opponents you’re facing. However, if you’re looking for a good starting point, these 10 Pokemon are definitely worth considering.
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