Vegeta’s strongest form was mastered by Dragon Ball’s 17 before Super

Android 17, despite not being as popular as other Dragon Ball characters, has established himself in various eras of the series. In Dragon Ball GT, 17 seemingly mastered Vegeta’s strongest form before Vegeta did in Dragon Ball Super.

Introduced in Dragon Ball Z’s Android Saga, Android 17 and his sister, 18, were portrayed as significant threats to the Z-Fighters. In an alternate future depicted by Trunks, 17 and 18 wreaked havoc, leaving only Trunks to survive. However, in the main continuity of Dragon Ball Super, 17 became a hero and won the Tournament of Power, using his wish to revive the obliterated universes. In Dragon Ball GT, 17 returns as a villain but displays incredible strength, even surpassing Super Saiyan 4 Goku.

In Dragon Ball GT episode 46, Goku faces Super 17, an upgraded version of Android 17, who absorbs and strengthens himself by absorbing Goku’s attacks. This ability is reminiscent of Ultra Ego, which Vegeta unlocked in the recent Dragon Ball Super arc when fighting Granolah. Ultra Ego allows the user’s power to increase with every injury sustained. While Vegeta is still far from mastering this form, Super 17 in Dragon Ball GT exhibited a similar ability and did it better.

The main differences between the two abilities are that 17 technically had it first in terms of real-world release dates and that 17’s version was superior. Vegeta’s ability to get stronger with each attack in Ultra Ego is limited and eventually takes a toll on him, causing him to pass out from pain and exhaustion. In contrast, Super 17 can continuously absorb attacks without consequence and is only defeated by Goku’s powered-up melee attack with the assistance of 18. Therefore, not only did Dragon Ball’s Android 17 seemingly master Vegeta’s strongest form in Dragon Ball GT ahead of Dragon Ball Super, but his version of the ability was also superior.

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