“Tokyo Revengers” is a popular manga series that has been adapted into an anime series, live-action film, and stage play. Following the successful second season, which aired from January 8, 2023 to April 2, 2023, the production team has announced that the “Tenjiku Arc” will also receive an anime adaptation.
A new key visual and 15-second PV trailer have been released, giving fans a glimpse of what they can expect from the upcoming season. LIDENFILMS, the animation production company for the series, will once again be responsible for bringing the story to life. The cast will also be expanded with the addition of Nobunaga Shimazaki as Izana Kurokawa and Tetsu Inada as Kanji Mochizuki.
The returning voice cast includes Yuuki Shin as Takemichi Hanagaki, Azumi Waki as Hinata Tachibana, Ryouta Oosaka as Naoto Tachibana, Yuu Hayashi as Manjirou “Mikey” Sano, Masaaki Mizunaka as Keisuke Baji, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Takashi Mitsuya, Subaru Kimura as Haruki Hayashida, Yukihiro Nozuyama as Ryouhei Hayashi, Kengo Kawanishi as Nahoya Kawata, Daisuke Ono as Yasuhiro Mutou, and Eiji Takeuchi as Nobutaka Osanai. Masaya Fukunishi has replaced Tatsuhisa Suzuki as the voice of Ken “Draken” Ryuuguuji.
The production staff for “Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Arc” will largely return, with Kouichi Hatsumi as director, Yasuyuki Mutou as series screenwriter, and Kenichi Ohnuki and Keiko Oota as character designers. Kunio Tsujita will serve as color designer, Mitsuyoshi Yamamoto as photography director, and Hiroaki Tsutsumi as music composer. Rumi Matsumoto, who previously worked on “Tokyo Mew Mew New,” will take over as art director from Manabu Otsuzuki.
The manga series, written and illustrated by Ken Wakui, was serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shounen Magazine from March 1, 2017 to November 16, 2022. It has been published under the Kodansha Comics label and has released 31 tankoubon volumes in total. The anime series has been streamed by Crunchyroll for the first season, while the second season is being streamed on Disney+.
Overall, “Tokyo Revengers” has become a beloved franchise with a large and dedicated fan base. With the announcement of the “Tenjiku Arc” anime adaptation, fans can look forward to more exciting and emotional moments from Takemichi and his friends as they navigate through the dangerous world of Tokyo’s delinquent gangs.
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