Vegeta’s Vital Form: Super Saiyan 4

Among all of Vegeta’s remarkable transformations throughout the Dragon Ball series, Super Saiyan 4 stands out as the most significant, but not for the reasons one might expect.

Throughout Vegeta’s journey in Dragon Ball, he has constantly sought greater power, often manifesting in new transformations. The first major transformation Vegeta achieved was his Great Ape form, which differed from Goku and Gohan’s experiences with it. Unlike the mindless destruction typically associated with the Great Ape form, Vegeta retained control over his mind, showcasing his mastery of this Saiyan form. This trend of Vegeta taking existing Saiyan transformations and elevating them continued in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. In Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta unlocked Super Saiyan God without relying on the Super Saiyan God ritual, further showcasing his impressive ascent to power. However, these upgrades and improvements to existing forms are not the primary reason why Super Saiyan 4 holds such importance for Vegeta; the real reason is more meta.

The pivotal moment that makes Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta’s most important form occurs in Dragon Ball GT episode 59. In this episode, Bulma uses her Blutz Waves Generator to blast Vegeta, enabling him to transform into a Super Saiyan 4 alongside Goku. Blutz Waves are concentrated photon particles transmitted by the light of celestial orbs, and Bulma’s machine intensified their energy. Normally, a Saiyan requires their tail to transform into a Great Ape and subsequently unlock Super Saiyan 4. However, Bulma’s invention bypassed this requirement, allowing Vegeta to attain the transformation. Once Vegeta achieved Super Saiyan 4, something unexpected happened: he willingly asked Goku to fuse with him.

Vegeta’s initial motivation for becoming a Super Saiyan 4 was to aid Goku in defeating Omega Shenron. Vegeta understood that to achieve victory, he needed to fuse with Goku. Ordinarily, Vegeta would resist the idea of fusion with Goku, preferring to battle the villain alone before resorting to such measures. In previous instances, it was always Goku who convinced Vegeta to fuse, whether against Majin Buu in Dragon Ball Z, Zamasu or Broly in Dragon Ball Super, or in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. Vegeta’s Saiyan Pride demanded that he secure victory on his own terms, without assistance. However, when he transformed into Super Saiyan 4, this mindset underwent a significant change.

In the Dragon Ball universe, fusing Goku and Vegeta to create Vegito or Gogeta has proven to be an effective solution against formidable opponents. Fans have often expressed frustration when Goku and Vegeta delay fusing. In this GT episode, Vegeta recognized the value of fusion and was the one to suggest it. This transformation of reasoning, prioritizing logic over stubbornness and pride, marks a substantial step for Vegeta’s character. In the meta sense, Vegeta has occasionally regressed in his development, but his productive character change coincided with his transformation into Super Saiyan 4, solidifying its significance as his most important form in the Dragon Ball series.

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Marron,Fortuneteller Baba,Supreme Kai,Zeno,Grand Minister