Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, many of the series’ heroic characters have fallen prey to corruption, either willingly or unwillingly. However, one character stands out as the darkest of them all, even more so than the infamous Majin Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z. While Vegeta began his journey as a ruthless villain, he didn’t reach his peak of evil until after he was reformed and then corrupted by Babidi into becoming Majin Vegeta. As Majin Vegeta, he was responsible for the mass murder of countless civilians and the rise of Majin Buu.
However, even with all of the destruction and chaos that Majin Vegeta caused, there is a character who surpasses him in darkness. That character is Pan, who appears in Dragon Ball GT. In one episode, the Dragon Balls become overwhelmed with negative energy, resulting in the release of the Shadow Dragons, beings of unparalleled evil and chaos. As Goku and Pan attempt to stop the Shadow Dragons from destroying the world, Pan ends up being absorbed by the Seven-Star Shadow Dragon, resulting in a fusion that is unlike anything fans have seen before.

The fusion of Pan and the Seven-Star Shadow Dragon creates a monstrous dragon that is capable of planetary annihilation. While Pan doesn’t lose herself entirely in the fusion, she gains an immense amount of power that makes Majin Vegeta’s power look insignificant in comparison. Pan’s Shadow Dragon form is even able to match Goku in his Super Saiyan 4 form, and it takes all of Pan’s inner strength to defeat the Shadow Dragon. While having more power doesn’t automatically make Pan darker than Vegeta, it does mean that she has a greater capacity for chaos and destruction. The pure negative energy that fuels Pan’s Shadow Dragon form is meant to cause death and calamity on a global scale, making her the one Dragon Ball hero whose evil form surpasses that of Vegeta’s.
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