The Warrior Unit, a prominent faction within Marley’s military, consists of elite soldiers who possess the Power of the Titans. These exceptional warriors, known as the Warriors, are selected from the pool of Subjects of Ymir and granted the honorary status of Marleyans.
The Warrior Unit, composed of Eldians who have been trained to wield the Power of the Titans in combat, played a pivotal role in the failed Paradis Island Operation. This operation initiated the events of Attack on Titan and set the narrative in motion. Initially depicted as the primary antagonists of the story, the Warriors are, in fact, victims of their circumstances. They have been raised and indoctrinated with Marleyan propaganda from a young age, leading them to harbor resentment towards the inhabitants of Paradis Island. They view them as devils who pose a threat to the safety of the world at large.

Notable characters within the main cast, including Bertholdt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger, Marcel Galliard, Zeke Yeager, and Reiner, the protagonist from the Marleyan side, have all obtained the Power of the Titans by enlisting as Warriors. Their primary objective as members of the Marleyan military is to seize the Founding Titan from the residents of Paradis Island, thereby neutralizing the threat of the Rumbling. The Warriors undergo grueling training and endure hardships with the ultimate goal of being chosen to inherit one of the Titans possessed by Marley. This inheritance would grant them and their families the coveted status of Honorary Marleyans, allowing them to live outside the confines of the Eldian internment zones.
The recruitment process for the Warrior Unit typically begins when candidates are between the ages of five and seven. All Eldians, including Warrior candidates, are raised with Marleyan propaganda that portrays the Eldians on Paradis Island as the source of all the world’s suffering. Eldians believe their race to be responsible for historical crimes, as they are the only known group capable of transforming into Titans. At the time depicted in Attack on Titan, Eldians are persecuted and segregated in most parts of the world, particularly in Marley, where they are confined to internment zones like Liberio. These zones are characterized by poor living conditions, restricted exploration, and constant harassment by military and security forces. Eldians wear yellow armbands to identify themselves and are denied the privileges enjoyed by Marleyan citizens.

The Warrior program offers hope for many Eldian families seeking to escape the hardships of internment. Parents willingly offer their children as candidates, hoping to secure Honorary Marleyan status for their families. The candidates undergo rigorous training that pushes their mental and physical limits, often exposing them to combat scenarios. Only six candidates, chosen based on exceptional performance in battle, will inherit one of the Nine Titans when a previous holder’s tenure ends. While some candidates may inherit their Titans in early adolescence or as young adults, they can only hold their post for a maximum of 13 years due to the Curse of Ymir. This curse dictates that all Titan shifters die exactly 13 years after acquiring their powers. Warriors who inherit the Power of the Titans wear red armbands identifying them as Honorary Marleyans, extending the same privilege to their families.
However, becoming an Honorary Marleyan comes at a significant cost. Warriors must exhibit unwavering loyalty to the Marleyan authorities, following orders without question. Failure to comply with orders can lead to severe consequences, often resulting in death. Most Warriors carry out their duties out of blind faith instilled in them since childhood or out of fear for themselves and their families. This strict adherence to authority prevents rebellion within the ranks, despite the Warriors possessing immense power as Titan shifters.

In addition to the limited lifespan of 13 years, which drastically shortens their lives, Warriors are frequently tasked with perilous military missions. The Paradis Island Operation, aimed at reclaiming the Founding Titan from within the walls, exemplifies the high-risk nature of their assignments. Unfortunately for Marley, this operation ended in failure, resulting in the loss of the Colossal and Female Titans and a resounding defeat at the hands of the Paradis Scouts.
Within the hierarchy of the Warrior Unit, a Marleyan General named Theo Magath holds command, with Zeke Yeager serving as the War Chief and second in command. Reiner Braun assumes the role of acting Vice-Chief, overseeing the other Warriors and candidates. Despite Marleyan supervision, the group operates with strength as its guiding principle, as seen when Reiner convinces Annie and Bertholdt to continue the Paradis Island Operation after the death of Marcel, and when Zeke insists on obtaining the Founder before attempting to rescue Annie.
For individuals like Reiner, the complex task of balancing their objectives as Warriors while assimilating into the Paradis Scouts during their time on the island took a significant toll on their mental well-being. Returning from Paradis, Reiner emerged as a broken version of himself, plagued by inner turmoil. The hardships endured during their childhood, coupled with the moral conflict of attacking innocent civilians on Paradis Island, exacted a heavy toll on many of the Warriors. This highlights how the benefits they secured for their families came at an immense cost that some of them could never truly reconcile.

Overall, the Warrior Unit of Marley’s military in Attack on Titan comprises elite soldiers who inherit the Power of the Titans. Their journey, filled with indoctrination, sacrifice, and inner conflict, adds layers of complexity to the narrative, revealing the nuanced perspectives and struggles of these characters caught in the midst of a larger conflict between nations and ideologies.
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