“Tokyo Revengers” manga gets collaborative trailer with “Cry Baby” anime OP song

“Tokyo Revengers” is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. It was first serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine in March 2017 and ended its five-and-a-half-year-long serialization in November 2022. The series will release seven Tokyo Revengers related books, including the final, 31st, volume on January 17, 2023. The manga has also been adapted into an anime series by studio LIDEN FILMS.

To celebrate the ending of the manga series, a collaborative trailer has been released featuring the anime’s opening theme song “Cry Baby,” performed by OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM. The trailer warns viewers about spoilers from the manga and advises them to be cautious before watching. The video contains significant spoilers that have not yet been animated.

The anime adaptation’s first season aired from April to September 2021 and gained massive popularity. The second season, which covers the Christmas Conflict arc, is scheduled to premiere on January 7, 2023. The anime follows the manga’s storyline, which centers on Takemichi Hanagaki, who time-leaps twelve years back in time to save his girlfriend from a notorious gang.

The plot revolves around Takemichi’s struggles as he tries to change his past and save Hinata Tachibana, his girlfriend from middle school who was killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. He aims to become the leader of the gang to prevent Hinata’s death and change the course of his life, which he considers hopeless.

The English version of the manga is published by Kodansha USA, and the official website describes the plot as a mix of romance, drama, and action. It portrays the struggles of a young man as he tries to save the love of his life and become a hero in the process. With the manga series ending and the anime series gaining immense popularity, “Tokyo Revengers” has become a cultural phenomenon, attracting fans from all over the world.

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